While technology, businesses and even religion have adapted to the ever-changing technology, education seems to lag far behind. Despite knowing how the internet and social media have changed the landscape of modern-day living, the way students are being taught in school has been the way it is for the past 50 years!
In this workshop, we introduce you to the Generation Z. These are the young people born from 1994 to 2010 and they comprise up to 95% of today’s classrooms. We will learn about the different strategies to engage them in the classroom so that their learning will be more meaningful, and teaching will be more fulfilling.
Introduce the different generations (Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y and Gen Z) and understand their differences
Take a closer look at the Generation Z and develop an understanding of how technology has influenced their life
Learn strategies to engage Gen Z in the classroom through technology and kinesthetic activities
Practice through role-play common parenting and teaching challenges with Generation Z
Develop action plans on how to best communicate with the Generation Z