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For the past 2 decades, call center agents have grown to be one of the biggest population of professional voice users. And while they get a lot of training on communication skills, product knowledge, and English grammar and accent, they are not given proper training on how to take care of the most valuable tool in their job – their VOICE.


An average call center agent takes anywhere from 50 to as much as 250 calls in a day. Coupled by the environment (dry, cold air from airconditioning, carpeted floors, dusty workstations) and also their lifestyle (smoking, alcohol, night shift), the call center agent is highly prone to developing voice disorders.


Voice Care for Call Center Agents is a 1-day workshop that is filled with tools, knowledge and techniques to take care of the voice. In addition, agents will learn communication skills – not only to be able to communicate with their customer – but to deliver WOW customer experience.



  • Define the problems and risk factors that make call center agents prone to voice problems

  • Learn the science of producing voice for optimal voice use

  • Discover tips, do’s and don’ts for taking care of the voice

  • Use the power of the voice to sound more confident, trustworthy and in control during the call

  • Learn strategies on how to sound more natural and conversational on the phone… in ENGLISH!

  • Understand the psychology behind the voice

Voice Care for Call Center Agents

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