Management Training for Mikolas Trading Corporation
On April 20, Pocholo “The VoiceMaster” Gonzales conducted a whole-day workshop for the managers of Mikolas Trading Corporation.
Fourteen managers from the different departments of the company – Human Resources, Finance, Inventory, Production, etc. – gathered in the training hall for a Management Workshop that Pocholo conducted together with Voice Care Philippines’ Executive Director Ada Cuaresma.
The workshop started with a motivational talk from the VoiceMaster, who spoke about “Purpose-Driven Work”. He opened his talk by sharing his own story of how he lived his life by pursuing nothing but his passion, and doing only what he desires to do. He then shared the different principles that contribute to living a life of purpose and meaning – principles of success, attitude, goals, among many others.
After Pocholo’s very inspiring talk, Ada proceeded with an in-depth workshop on team effectiveness. The training was based on the 5 dysfunctions of a team, and how to resolve each dysfunction in order to become a more cohesive organization. Ada conducted a series of activities that help develop improve communication, handling conflict and being accountable. The participants were also given a chance to brainstorm and reflect on their learnings, and to also voice their concern regarding their challenges within the organization.
On the last part of the workshop, Pocholo shared what he called the “success checklist,” where he gave tips on how to set goals and achieve them. He also shared his quotable quotes which he fondly calls “Pochology”.
Mikolas Trading Corporation is a company that manufactures pet grooming products, like the Playpets shampoo. Its vision is to be the number one producer of consumer products in Southeast Asia.