Pochology Academy Conducts Public Speaking Workshop for PLDT Employees Credit Cooperative
On November 26, the PLDT Employees Credit Cooperative, Inc. or PECCI organized a one-day workshop on Public Speaking and Effective Communication, held at its headquarters in Universal Re Building in Makati City. Over 20 PECCI officers and PLDT managers attended the workshop to hone their skills in public speaking, which will be useful in their business presentations, board meetings and even their everyday communication within the organization.

Pochology Academy was invited to conduct the workshop, led by its founder Pocholo “The VoiceMaster” Gonzales. After some introduction and welcome remarks, the workshop began with a motivational talk by the VoiceMaster on how to speak so people will listen. During his presentation, the VoiceMaster demonstrated and shared the tools and techniques that he uses that made him one of the country’s most sought-after speakers. He emphasized that the first thing speakers need to develop is the mindset that they are public speakers in all shapes and forms, and that they should see speaking engagements as a two-way communication with the audience, instead of a lecture.
The VoiceMaster also inspired the participants to look at public speaking not just as a way to communicate their message to an audience, but also as an avenue to express what they are passionate about in a way that is inspiring and motivating to their audience. He also spoke about the power of the voice, and encouraged the participants to look at their voice as the “force” that can transform the lives of those that would receive their message.

After the VoiceMaster’s inspirational talk, Pochology Academy trainer Ada Cuaresma started the workshop proper with a group activity. She gave the participants a mini-workshop on voice, and gave them tools, techniques and exercises to develop their vocal power, and tips on how to take care of their most valuable tool in public speaking.
The voice training was followed by another mini-workshop, this time on managing public speaking anxiety and engaging the audience. The participants were led through a series of fun activities to help them become more confident, and to enable them to speak naturally and spontaneously in front of their audience. They were also given 4 elements that they can incorporate into their presentations to better involve the audience in their public speaking.

The day capped off with the participants lining up to have the VoiceMaster sign their copy of his book, “Gusto Kong Maging Voice Talent,” which was given to the participants by PECCI as a token.